Donate Medical Supplies and Medications
Thank you for your interest in the Power of a Nickel. Supplies and medications for global medical outreach trips are costly. We learn of community members who need special mobility aids such as canes, crutches, walkers, and wheelchairs. Other equipment such as nebulizers for asthmatic children and adults, air mattresses for elders confined to beds to help reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers, feeding machines/tubing for those needing to be fed through the stomach are needed at times. First aid supplies, bandaids, bandages, ace wraps, slings, the list is endless are always welcomed. Our intention is that the patients we evaluate can have their basic needs met for better health. We physically take these items when we are on the global outreach trip. If you have supplies you would like to donate, please email [email protected].
Our Wish List
- Wheelchairs, crutches
- All types of first aid supplies especially ace wraps, non-stick wound dressings, roll gauze
- Over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen. hydrocortisone cream, anti fungal cream, triple antibiotic cream, soap, etc.
- Toothbrushes/toothpaste
- Reading glasses
- Vitamins with iron for both children and adults
- Infant liquid vitamins
- Sturdy shoes for the school children
- Science/health books for the orphanages/schools in Uganda
- Large used suitcases (we carry supplies, medications, and donations of clothing etc. with us and leave the suitcases there with the supplies)
- Dental equipment
- Portable EKG and ultrasound – computer-based software due to lack of electricity in some places
- Portable hemoglobin analyzer with test cards
- Funds to help offset costs for medical and other healthcare students to serve globally
- Funds to purchase needed supplies/medications for each trip
- Funds for special care such as transportation of patients to hospitals, x-rays, ultrasounds as needed when working in one of the clinics/schools
Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated by both the team and the person who is receiving care. Know that they would not have received this care if not for all of you who have joined us in this outreach program. Power of a Nickel is a 501(c)(3) organization and will be happy to supply you with a letter indicating your donation.