Thanks to the support of our generous partners, Power of a Nickel has been able to serve so many people across the world!
- MDF Instruments helps us provide stethoscopes, blood pressure monitors, reflex hammers, and pen lights to numerous healthcare professionals in need of these basic items in Uganda, Cuba, and Nicaragua.
- Restoring Vision helps us provide reading glasses and sunglasses for countless patients in Nicaragua, Uganda, Vietnam, Guatemala, and Ukraine.
- Blessings International is an outstanding source of medications, supplies, and vitamins to all of the countries we serve.
- Rotary Club of Sanibel-Captiva helps us purchase equipment and materials for making menstrual kits for our ladies in Cuba, Uganda, and Vietnam.
- myheartcreative helps us connect with people and organizations online.
- Countless “mission mobilizers,” the donors who generously give their funds and supplies to help us continue serving these underserved populations.